How do Support plans work?

Prepaid support is a priority service and provides you with speedy, on-demand assistance. There’s no need to raise invoices and/or purchase orders for individual requests. Instead, time is deducted from the pre-purchased hours. This reduces administration overheads and allows us to offer faster turnarounds for support requests.

Time is tracked in 15-minute increments so you won’t be charged a full hour for small bits and pieces.

What can I use Support for?

Prepaid support covers general system maintenance, fixing user errors and debugging system issues. It’s designed to allow us to keep the site running well and to assist users in using the system effectively.

Here are some examples of common support tasks:

  • General Assistance
    • Providing assistance using your CMS, including inserting and formatting new content.
    • Troubleshooting user or technical issues, including general Q&A.
    • Content auditing (checking for dead links, problems with spelling/grammar and other content related issues).
  • Development Support
    • Tweaking page templates and styles etc.
    • Rapid response to website failures or errors
    • Ad-hoc log analysis or statistical reporting
    • Advanced User Tracking
  • System Maintenance
    • CMS and plugin updates
    • Security patching

As a rule support hours aren’t used for the production of a new product (for example a new website or microsite) or a major new feature addition to an existing product (for example adding an ecommerce facility to an existing website). Such work is typically undertaken at our usual project rates and terms.

External costs (such as purchasing imagery or third party software) are not covered by a Support agreement and will be itemised and charged separately.

Requests & Approvals

Please ensure that only staff authorised to make work requests are instructed to do so. Firefly will regard any written request as a valid authorisation to commence work.  

Discounted rates

The annual plan provides a discount on standard hourly rates and, depending on the plan chosen, includes a quarterly analytics report and monthly site health checks. This is the most suitable plan for medium to large websites to keep them looking great and functioning well. Signups midway through the quarter still receive the full quarterly time allocation (i.e. the rate and the hours are not pro-rata).

As part of the service we offer health checks and analytics reporting as part of selected annual plans. The number of hours available per quarter is dependent on the selected plan.

Additional Hours

If you exceed the available hours for the quarter, you can still access support services. Any additional hours will be added to the following quarter invoice as a one-off charge (rates differ per the plan – please see below).  We will notify you in advance if your allocation will be exceeded by any given request.